First consortium meeting in presence took place in Gothenburg, Sweden. During the two-day meeting in the end of September 2021, the current progress of the project, and the upcoming work within the second half of the first project year were discussed. INTERACT team members also visited the Johanneberg Science Park and learn more about Project FED – Fossil Free Energy Districts. All INTERACT team members were pleased to finally meet in person.
Within the last 6 months of INTERACT project more than 60 projects of existing and ongoing positive energy district projects in Austria, Sweden and the Czech Republic have been identified and based on selection criteria about 15 have been selected for deeper analyses and its results were presented during the meeting. There were also presented initial results of the stakeholder interviews at the Austrian pilot-site and the current progress of gathering all required data for the two pilot-sites. During the consortium meeting a workshop was held to define success factors for the INTERACT energy communities.
TU WIEN presented the activities and work done. Within the triggered discussion current market structure and needed market structure for a working energy community have been discussed.